Manage Multiple Different Sites in WordPress

By default, WordPress comes with a pretty great way to run and manage a multi-site network. You can click here to read tutorials on how to set up a network. However, those networks are designed to be run on one server and for the sites to be deeply inter-connected.
What happens if you have lots of different WordPress sites spread out over lots of different servers? What happens if you’re managing sites for lots of different clients? has an intriguing solution: one dashboard for all your WordPress sites. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Create an Account at

Get started by creating an account at

Step 2: Install the ManageWP Worker Plugin

For every site you want to use with, install and enable the “ManageWP Worker” plugin. You don’t need to do anything else: just install and enable.
Step 3: Add Your Sites to

Login to with your new account and click on the “Add website” button. You’ll need to add the website url and an admin username. No password required. Repeat until you’ve added all the site you need to.

Step 4: Use ManageWP

Once your sites have been added, you’ll see a dashboard for all your sites. Here are five of the features you’ll see. These w
- Any updates you need to make. You can apply directly from this dashboard.
- If you have Jet Pack installed, you’ll see statistics for all of your sites. You can also drill down to individual sites.
- Search posts, plugins and themes
- Manage default WordPress comments (sorry, no support for Disqus etc. yet)
- Manage recent posts
Along the left-hand side of the page that are other options. For example, you can install plugins and themes for your sites:

You can also backup your sites. They say that support for backups to and is coming soon.

If you need to, you can skip the overall ManageWP dashboard and visit the admin interface for each individual site:

You can post directly from that interface or you can post in bulk to several or all of your sites:

Overall, ManageWP is a pretty impressive service if you have a lot of WordPress sites spread around the web.
One caveat: it is free for now, but it will cost in the future and that price hasn’t yet been made public. They say it will cost $0.50 – $1 per month per blog.
Thanks for the review! Actually the planned cost for ManageWP will be around $2 per website, yearly.
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