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Our Newest Courses
The web world is a fast-paced environment and tools and technology change rapidly. We strive to bring you new content monthly.
Layout Builder for the Ambitious Site Builder
Layout Builder is one of the most powerful tools in Drupal for a site builder. You can create layouts and…
Migrating Joomla 3 to 4
Joomla 3 reached "End of Life" in August 2023. Moving from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 is fairly straightforward, but…
How to Improve the Editor Experience in Drupal
One of the main tasks for a site builder is to make the Content Editor's job as easy as possible…
How To Use Drupal As Your Own URL Shortener Service
Tired of trying to find "short" URL's at or one of the other services? In this short course, Rod…
WP-CLI for Beginners
Learn how to start controlling your WordPress site from the command line! Save time on doing many tasks. Nate walks…
The Ultimate Guide to the Media Module in Drupal
One of the best advancements to Drupal with the advent of Drupal 8 and 9 is the Media Module. Drupal…
Joomla 4 Explained
New to Joomla? This course will get you started in Joomla 4 from the ground up. Rod will walk you…
Moving From Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
So you’ve been using Joomla for years and now there’s a new version that really changes a lot!
BigCommerce for WordPress
Topher explains how BigCommerce and WordPress work together.
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The online world is one of constant change and requires you to be a life-long seeker of knowledge and skills to be at top of your game. We help you by creating easy-to-follow courses & books that allow you to learn at your own pace.

We create courses using the most popular tools and platforms in the digital & web development arena, and are constantly adding to our library so you always have new materials ready when you are.
We offer a wide variety of courses, so you can find your niche in the online world. Or, if you have been thrown into a new platform you can get yourself up to speed with our courses or books.
Our instructors are speaking from experience! All of our instructors are actively working in the industry, so you are learning from true professionals that understand your needs.
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For more than decade, we have trained over 100,000 students via our live classrooms, online classrooms, online courses, and books. We love what we do & we love helping our students learn new platforms, tools, techniques, and skills!