First Baptist Church Atlanta Launches Joomla Site
We just had this wonderful email from one of our Joomla training clients. Paulo and his team came to the class knowing nothing about Joomla, but on a
“Just wanted to share our success. 🙂
Back in December 10,11 we (my coworkers and I) went to a Joomla Training and we had nothing. I think I even told you that we needed the website up by the end of January, and you’re like… “that’s gonna be hard”. Well… it was, but we did it. 🙂
I’m still implementing more functionality to the site and giving more power to the editors, but we have the site up and running beautifully, with 277 articles, 25 sections, 88 categories, and around 40 editors. The church purchased CommunityACL and It really works well. Every user has access to only their areas and JCE lets them have access to only their folder in the server.
So, that’s it… We did it.
Check out: