OSTips – Create a Drupal Site Copy in Acquia’s DevDesktop

So you’re working away on your Drupal site using Acquia’s DevDesktop just like we do here at OSTraining, and you want to take a snapshot of your site to use for another project. Or maybe you just want to keep a backup of it at a certain state in your Drupal site development.
In this video, I’m going to show you exactly how to create Drupal site copy in Acquia’s DevDesktop. It’s really simple.
Let’s get to It.
“Hi, I’m Rod Martin, and this is OSTips from OS Training.
Thanks to DevDesktop, I’ve got a website that I’m working on for a course, and I’m going to create an exact duplicate.
- go to DevDesktop
- click on the Local database link
- select Export menu link at top of Admin screen
- select Custom instead of Quick
- click Go
That’s going to actually download the entire database into a file, and that’s what you need.
- go to DevDesktop
- click on the More button
- click New Drupal multisite (Here’s the key: you need to use multi-site to make this quick and really simple)
- name the new site (I’m going to call this d9site2)
- select Start with a MySQL database dump file
- click Browse button
- select the file you just downloaded
- click Ok
DevDesktop is going to create the new multi-site. It takes just a moment.
- select the new Multisite you just created from the dropdown
- click on Local site link
And there you are. One key thing to remember is that NONE of the files that you’ve uploaded to your old site will be moved over to the new site. Again really simple to fix.
- click Local code link
- click on sites folder
- click on default folder
- click Copy “files”
- click Paste Item into the site folder you just created
- click Replace button
- go to your site
You’re good to go!
The last thing you’ll want to do once you’ve logged back in is flush all caches. That’s going to rebuild all of your media, your images, your thumbnails, etc, etc.
As I said, it’s really simple with just a few steps to make a snapshot backup of a Drupal site at any stage of development using DevDesktop and multi-sites.
Thanks for watching today. This is OSTips from OSTraining. My name is Rod Martin, and we’ll see you in the next video.”