Showing Different Drupal Themes on Different Pages

This tutorial was written after a request in one of this week’s Drupal classes: “How do I show different Drupal themes on different pages?”. The answer is a module called “Sections”:

Installing Sections to Your Drupal Site

  • Step 1: Click here to download the latest version of “Sections”.
  • Step 2: Extract the files into a folder on your desktop. The folder will be called “sections”.
  • Step 3: Login to your site’s files via FTP and navigate to /sites/all/. If there isn’t a folder called /modules/ here, create one.
  • Step 4: Upload the “sections” folder to /sites/all/modules/
  • Step 5: Go to Administer >> Site building >> Modules. Check the box next to “Sections” and click Save Configuration.

Showing Different Drupal Themes on Different Pages

Now that Sections is set up, we’ll be able to use it to place different themes on different pages:

  • Step 6: Go to Administer >> Site building >> Themes. Make sure that all the themes you want to use are enabled.
  • Step 7: Go to Administer >> Site building >> Sections and click “Add Sections”.
  • Step 8: Give the section a name, click “enabled” and choose the theme you want to use.
  • Step 9: At the bottom of the page you’ll see an area called “Page specific visibility settings”. This is the same option you have with Blocks. Enter the pages you’d like this theme to appear on, click save and you’re done!

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  • Robbie Adair

    Robbie started her career in corporate training until starting her own custom training and media company almost seventeen years ago. In 2010, she began doing classroom training for OSTraining while running Media A-Team. She is often presenting about various tech topics such as Joomla, Fabrik, Web Development, Social Media, and Augmented Reality. She loves seeing that "ah-ha" moment in peoples eyes in her sessions and workshops. She lives in Houston, Texas, but enjoys all the travel for client work and speaking gigs.

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