Extend WordPress User Profile Social Networks
The WordPress user profile comes with the ability to add social network IDs for AIM, Yahoo IM, and Jabber/Google Talk. However, most of those networks or either dead or dying. So what if you want to add Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or other more popular social networks to your user profiles?
ThemeFuse Extend User Profile is the answer. This plugin comes with fields for social network links, but you can also add more and create custom profiles for your users.
Step 1. Download and install
While in your WordPress Dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
Search for ThemeFuse Extend User Profile.
Click Install Now to install the plugin.
Step 2. Add your social media links to your profile
Go to Users > Your Profile.
These additional fields are now added to all user profiles and users can fill them in if they wish. Once you’ve installed it your actually done. The plugin adds a section to the user profile, for adding the three most popular social networks. You can add more by simply clicking the plus sign and filling them in. It doesn’t get much easier.