Getting Started with the Make Theme for WordPress

make wordpress theme

One of our absolutely favorite WordPress themes is Make from the Theme Foundry.

We use the Make theme in many of our training classes, and the feedback is always great.

Make has a drag-and-drop page builder that makes page layouts fun and easy. In these three videos, Topher shows you how to start building a site with Make.

These videos are part of our longer class, How to Build a WordPress Restaurant Site.

Video #1: Getting Started with Make

Video #2: Setting up the Navigation

Video #3: Building the Homepage

Make Theme Resources


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of OSTraining. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve's work straddles the line between teaching and web development.

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Dan Knauss
Dan Knauss
10 years ago

Make is outstanding. I’d say it’s the best “page builder theme” I’ve ever used. It does a lot in as simple and spare a way as possible. You need to use it the way it wants you to: thoughtfully with a less is more approach.
As a base parent theme that gives end users a very nice interface for building and modifying layouts, it’s best as a foundation for custom styling in a child theme you build. It’s extremely well thought out code and great to work with if you want to modify page templates and the pro plugin’s functionality. If I’ve had one minor frustration it’s that there’s not a style-less or style-lite version, or a simple way to swap in a different set of styles for interface elements.
The basic free version of Make is in github, and the team behind it is super people, highly capable. Support and development of it has been top notch since Make’s debut. The only things lacking at this early stage are a developer’s guide and more detailed end user guide.
As with all builder themes, a little layout code and markup gets added into your page content and its postmeta database fields. Unless you take pains to avoid using certain features your page content will be marked up with some shortcodes too. Since this will impact future content portability, you need to take that into account. This would be more of a concern for me with other builder themes and companies; not so much with Make. It’s an asset I’d expect to stick with a long time.

10 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knauss

What a wonderful explanation, thanks Dan
Yes, the documentation is there but a little short and a little dry: [url=]…[/url]
Otherwise, it’s hard to beat Make.

David Louis DeFebo
David Louis DeFebo
10 years ago

All I can say is thanks for this post and comments, very helpful to me!

8 years ago

Thanks for that article Steve! Perhaps you can help me out…

Make is great, but for the hell of it, I cannot figure out where to turn of the related posts option below my posts (see screenshot).

It’s supposed to be in the Theme Options…but where are they?

Would be great if you could help me out!

Nick Savov
8 years ago
Reply to  Yannick

Hi and welcome, Yannick! 🙂
Please sign up for one our very affordable support plans at [url=]…[/url] and one of our techs will be able to help you directly.

8 years ago
Reply to  Nick Savov

Ah, belated thanks Nick. I already found the answer elsewhere. But keep up your great site!

Nick Savov
8 years ago
Reply to  Yannick

Cheers Yannick 🙂

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