Easily Add Google Fonts to WordPress

Google Fonts is a wonderful tool to help you customize your site. You can choose from about 700 different fonts to improve the design of your site.
Normally the process of adding Google Fonts to your site isn’t easy, because you have to modify your theme’s files. However, a plugin called Easy Google Fonts make it simply to add this feature to almost any theme.
Download and install
- Login to your WordPress site.
- Go to Plugins > Add new.
- Search for “Easy Google Fonts”.
- Click “Install Now” and activate the plugin.

Customize the Google fonts
- Go to Appearance > Customize
- Go Typography > Default Typography.
Here you have a list of elements, such as Paragraphs and Headings 1 to 6.

You can set a custom font for each one of these elements by clicking “Edit Font”.

Once you click “Edit Font” a whole range of options will appear. The options will be under three tabs”: Style, Appearance and Positioning.
Styles. Here you customize the font family, weight, text decoration and text transform.

Appearance. Here you can customize the font color, background, font size, line height and letter spacing.

Positioning. Here you can set margins, padding, border, border radius and display. I recommend being careful with this tab – in most cases, changes aren’t required.

Live preview
While you edit the font settings, the preview is available on the right side of the screen.

When you’re done, click in save and publish button.