Improve WordPress Speed With Better WordPress Minify
Better WordPress Minify is a plugin that reduces the loading time of your website by compressing the Javascript and CSS code. Much of these files is taken up by empty space and line breaks, and removing those can make your files smaller and faster. To remove these items is to “minify” your files.
In this short tutorial, you’ll see how to use the Better WordPress Minify plugin to speed up your WordPress site.
Upload and install
- In your admin area, go to Plugins > Add New
- In the Search field type “Better WordPress Minify” and click Search Pugins.
- Find Better WordPress Minify > click Install Now.
- Activate the plugin.
That’s it! Now your site will load faster. If you go to your public site and check the source code (Ctrl + U) you will discover how the plugin merge many of the CSS and Javascript files and load them as single files.
More Options
In your admin area, go to BWF Minify and check the available extra settings. Of course, change those settings to your needs only if you know what you are doing.
It’s not so simple if you have a lot of plugins or theme code loading stylesheets, fonts, and scripts. That is a bigger problem, especially when so many plugins load all their dependencies on every page even when they are only needed on a few pages or one page.
It can take quite a lot of testing to figure out what exceptions need to be made in BWF Minify, and the UI for creating and editing the rules is very cumbersome. If the dependencies that are loaded change, you’re also going to need to clear out old ones and review your rules. Some intelligent UI improvements would go a long way here, but it’s still a plugin that is compensating for the bad things you and your plugins do elsewhere. As such, it can be invaluable.
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