How to Use WooCommerce Product Revisions

How to Use WooCommerce Product Revisions

WooCommerce is the most popular way to build an eCommerce site with WordPress.

If you are careful with your product listings, you will want to use the WordPress revisions feature with WooCommerce. This will allow you to keep track of any changes to your products.

With the help of a plugin called PublishPress Revisions Pro, you can do even more with revisons. You can submit, moderate, approve and schedule revisions to your WooCommerce products.

How to Enable Revisions for WooCommerce Products

By default, WooCommerce does not work with WordPress revisions.

You will need to add some code to the functions.php file in your theme. Click here to see this code. You can copy-and-paste those 12 lines code into the end of your theme’s functions.php file.

Once that’s done, you can see the revisions in action:

  • Go to edit a WooCommerce product.
  • Make a change to the product.
  • Click “Update”.
  • In the right sidebar, you will see the new “Revisions” link.

woocommerce revisions

  • Click the “Browse” link next to “Revisions”.
  • You will now be able to compare your revisions side-by-side.

compare revisions

  • All the core WooCommerce fields are supported by WordPress revisions. The price, inventory, and shipping fields can all be controlled through the revision process.

wc fields revision

How to Approve Revisions to WooCommerce Products

If you want to approve revision changes before they go live on your site, we recommend PublishPress Revisions Pro.

  • Install PublishPress Revisions Pro.
  • Find and edit a published WooCommerce product.
  • You will see a “Save as Pending Revision” option in the right sidebar:

woocommerce save revision

  • After saving your revision, watch for the message saying that your change is now waiting for editorial review.

woocommerce revision editorial message

  • Click “View Revision Queue” or click the “Revisions” link in your WordPress admin menu.
  • Your WooCommerce product revision will appear on the main Revision Queue screen:

product revision queue

Scheduling WooCommerce Product Revisions

Using PublishPress Revisions Pro, it is possible to schedule WooCommerce product revisions to go live in the future.

  • Start off by creating a new revision, or editing a revision in the “Revision Queue”.
  • Change the “Publish” date in the right sidebar. This is the date that you want your revision to go live.

schedule woocommerce revision

  • Click either “Preview” or “View / Approve”, depending on which button you see.
  • You’ll be taken to the frontend of your site.
  • You will see a green “This is a Pending Revision” message. This means that your revision has been submitted but not yet approved.

frontend woocommerce

  • Click “Approve” and you will now see “This is a Scheduled Revision” message. Your revision will now go live on this date.

scheduled revision woocommerce

  • Back on the “Revision Queue” screen, you’ll see see the scheduled date in the “Schedule” column. This is confirmation that your revision will go live on that date.

scheduled revision queue

If you want more details on moderating and scheduling revisions, check out these guides:

How to Get Email Notifications for WooCommerce Revisions

Using PublishPress Revisions Pro, it is possible to get email notifications whenever a revision is submitted or goes live. Find out more in this documentation.

woocommerce emails

WooCommerce Revisions Summary

WooCommerce does support WordPress revisions, but you will need to add some code to your theme.

Once that code is in place, you will be able to use revisions to manage all the data in your WooCommerce products.

With PublishPress Revisions Pro you’ll be able to do even more with these revisions.

Finally, if you want to dig deeper into WordPress and WooCommerce, check out our best-selling books: WordPress Explained and WooCommerce Explained.


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of OSTraining. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve's work straddles the line between teaching and web development.

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Walter Mazzola
Walter Mazzola
4 years ago


Useful post. Just one question: the revisions does not save the changes I do in Product Variations. 
Is there a way to save Data Product info in the Revisions?

4 years ago

Great post however the revision history isn’t showing all the changes from all the default woo-commerce product tabs. I am specifically looking for shipping dimension changes.  

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