The OSTraining Podcast #6: Tessa Mero

In this week’s episode, I talk with Tessa Mero. Tessa used to work at OSTraining, and is responsible for some of the most popular posts on our blog. But, that’s just one of her many achievements.
Tessa is a developer advocate for Cisco. She also organizes some of the largest open source conferences on the US West Coast. She also runs local meetup groups. She helps to get open source taught in local schools and colleges. And those are just the first couple of lines on her resume.
Tessa’s an inspiring person. She has a relentless energy that she uses to help herself and others get better. Find out more at and follow her on Twitter at @tessamero. Now that Cisco DevNet Create is over, her latest conference is Pacific Northwest PHP in Seattle in September. Here’s the summer curriculum that Tessa mentioned for her kids.
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