Learn How to Code PHP with OSTraining

About two months ago we asked our members what course they wanted us to add. PHP was the clear winner.
Why PHP? It’s the key coding language behind Joomla, WordPress and Drupal. Without a solid knowledge of PHP, it’s hard to edit anything on your site except what can be done via the user interface.
Today, we’re delighted to release our PHP course and to welcome a great new teacher to OSTraining.
Diana, Four Kitchens and PHP
Diana Dupuis is an experienced PHP developer working with Four Kitchens, a renowned Drupal company based in Austin.
Four Kitchens specialize in large Drupal websites and created the Pressflow distribution which powers WhiteHouse.gov.
Diana has worked on Drupal projects for organizations like the Economist and the Wikimedia Foundation. She is currently the Director of Professional Services for Four Kitchens.
What’s in Diana’s PHP class?
- Commenting PHP code
- Variables
- Operators
- Arrays
- Functions
- Forms
- Interacting with Databases
- Writing Queries
- and much more …
You can see the full class details here and guests can watch the first 5 sessions: ostraining.com/courses/class/coding/php.
Not a member of OSTraining yet? Visit ostraining.com/online to sign up now and take this course, along with many others.
fantastic! I’ve signed my accounts guy up for this as he is really interested. If only i had the brains to learn php !