New Class: How to Develop WordPress Plugins

This week’s new class is “How to Develop WordPress Plugins“. The class a step-by-step guide to building your first WordPress plugin.
We’ve released the first 25 videos, and there’s much more to come over the next few weeks and months.
In this class, you’re going to build a plugin called “Big ToDo”. You can click here to download the completed project. It installs and works just well as any plugin on
The plugin uses a custom post type, a custom taxonomy and a shortcode for the output. As you build the plugin, you’ll learn about the best practices for WordPress development, including how to follow the recommended coding standards.
This intro video gives you a feel for the class and introduces you to the plugin project:
Multiple WordPress development classes
This new class is part of a series of classes on WordPress development. Here’s are the classes:
- Why Should Developers Use WordPress?
- How to Develop WordPress Plugins (the new class)
- How to Use the Developer Plugin in WordPress
- Using the WordPress REST API
- How to Publish Your Plugin at
- How to Edit Plugins with PHP Code Sniffer
An overview of the WordPress Plugin Development class
- Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development
- Should I Use a Plugin or Theme?
- What is a WordPress Post Type?
Building the Plugin
- Introducing Our Big ToDo Project
- How to Organize WordPress Plugins
- Object Oriented Programming and Static Classes
- Create the Custom Post Type, Part 1
- Create the Custom Post Type, Part 2
- Docblock and DocumentationCreating a Custom Taxonomy Class
- Internationalization for WordPress Plugins
- Installing CMB2 (Custom Metaboxes 2)
- Creating Metaboxes with CMB2
- Creating a Plugin Settings Page, Part 1
- Creating a Plugin Settings Page, Part 2
- Creating a Plugin Settings Page, Part 3
- How to Create Plugin Shortcodes
- How to Display the Plugin Output
- Attributes for Your Plugin Shortcode
More Plugin Features
- User Access for Your Plugin
- Debugging a WordPress Plugin
Metadata Display
- Using Metadata from the To-Do Items
- How to Create CSS Files for Your Plugin
- How to Add an Admin Area Help Tab
Wrap up
- Class Summary
- Quiz
As the videos continue to roll out, the next step will be to allow users to interact with the data, from the front end of the site, using AJAX. You’ll also build widgets and other front-end elements to extend the plugin.