Our Drupal Mollom Class is Live

We’re delighted to launch our latest Drupal class, “Mollom“.
If you would like to allow anonymous users to create an account, create content, or comment on your site, you’ll need to install some form of spam protection.
The best solution for Drupal is Mollom, which was created by Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal. Mollum is free for personal websites.
In this class, Brian shows you how to protect your site with Mollom. You’ll see how to use Captcha and text analysis protection. You’ll also learn how to create blacklists of regular spammers and how to keep statistics on your spam protection efforts.
An introductory video from the class
{snippet mollomintro}
Mollom class syllabus
- Overview
- Creating Your Account
- Installing and Configuring the Module
Using Mollom
- Protecting Forms with CAPTCHA
- Protecting Forms with Text Analysis
- Protecting Content Creation Forms
- Blacklists
- Statistics
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