New Video Class: Joomla 3 SEO

This week’s new class, by Steve Burge, introduces you to Joomla search engine optimization.
Getting your Joomla! site indexed and ranked by Google (and other search engines) takes work, but Steve helps you make sense of what’s important, what isn’t, and provides some helpful extension suggestions along the way.
Rod holds two masters degrees and has been training people how to do "things" for over 25 years. Originally from Australia, he grew up in Canada and now resides just outside Cincinnati, Ohio. He has worked in both the non-profit and for-profit worlds, in small companies and large corporations. His extensive open source experience includes WordPress, Joomla and Drupal and he really knows how to help you get the most out of the system you chose. Rod plays ice hockey a couple of times a week and rides his Goldwing motorcycle pretty much everywhere he can.
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Nice addition. One lesson mentions XMAP. For sure the best known extension from the past. In the meantime, there seem to be other tools (jSitemap) and extensions that include a sitemap feature (MijoSEF, AceSEF).
Would be nice to have a comparison or suggestions what extension makes sense. Any experiences with the mentioned (commercial) extensions? Maybe the SEO course can be extended in the near future…
Thanks in advance.
Thanks pepperstreet
Yes, we used XMap mainly because it’s (I believe) the only free sitemap extension out there).
BTW, we may have some good news regarding XMap in the near future. Stay tuned for more.
Yes, we do have plans to add commercial extensions in particular to the class – particularly for SEO where there are no free alternatives.
Hi Steve,
Great job on this tut! loved it.
Just to clarify though, does Google use the URL for searches? or just the title and description?
Hi Gilles,
Yes, Google uses the URL too.
And it’s important for users as well. The URL shows up in the search results and if it’s easier to read, then it’s more likely to be clicked on.
If you separate words by hyphens and make the URL memorable, you’ll make both Google happy and users happy.
Take a look at how we’ve done it for this blog post.
Thanks for the info Nick.
You’re welcome, Gilles!
Hi again guys!
I’m working on some SEO and was wondering about a potential improvement on OSMeta.
How about including the option to change the article aliases in this fantastic interface as well?
Would this make sense?
Funny you should ask that, korgster
This was posted as an issue by our team just earlier today: [url=]…[/url]
Ha ha! This is Gilles!
Even funnier is that I think my question on OST is what provoked Valentin to bring it up. See my post:
I could really use this feature. Any ETA? (no pressure)
Ah, so it wasn’t just a coincidence 🙂
Sorry, no ETA yet but we are about to start another round of OSMeta improvements.
no sweat Steve. I’ll go ahead and do it manually until I hear about the next release. Cheers!