Joomla Days in Boston and Guatemala: Free Tickets and Training

Some events are really well timed.
Joomla Day Boston is one of those events. It’s taking place in Boston on Saturday, March 16th.
The next day is St. Patricks Day and there are few places better to celebrate that day than Boston.
We have free tickets available for Joomla Day Boston and also for Joomla Day Guatemala in April.
Free tickets and free training
Free tickets … We’re sponsoring both and have free tickets to give away. If you’d like to attend either Joomla Day Boston or Joomla Day Guatemala just post in the comments and tell us which event you’d like to attend. On March 8th, we’ll pick the winners at random.
Free training … Everyone at Joomla Day Boston will get a one month free trial to Simply look inside your gift bag at the event.
Event details
Joomla Day Boston:
- Website:
- Date: March 16
- Location: Microsoft Campus, Cambridge, MA
Joomla Day Guatemala:
- Website:
- Date: April 25 and 26
- Location: Universidad Galileo, Guatemala City
Hola, yo quiero asistir al Joomla Day 2013 Guatemala
a ver si gano entradas.
Jonathan Mazariegos
Buen día, desde ya les doy las gracias por por la entrada a Joomla Day Guatemala.
Saludos, quiero participar en el Joomladay Guatemala, muchas gracias
Buen día, me gustaría participar para Joomladay Guatemala.
Desde ya muchas gracias.
i wanna a ticket to joomla day guatemala
Quiero entrada para joomla day guaatemala
Hola, yo quiero ganar entradas para JoomlaDay Guatemala, muchas gracias y saludos.
Que tal comunidad, me agrego a la lista de participantes para el JoomlaDay Guatemala
A ticket to Joomla Day in Guatemala or Boston would be great!
Boston please Stacey!
Wow, lots of interest in Joomla Day Guatemala. Add me to the list of people interested in winning a ticket, and hope to see you there!
Boston Joomla Day please. Yuo guys are the greatest.
Guatemala please! Love your work.
Looks like I can make Boston. If you have an extra ticket, I can certainly use it. Thanks!
me encantaría ir a Guatemala, cuenten conmigo!
A ticket to Boston would be my choice.
Boston Please!
Would [url=][/url] attend BOSTON Joomla Day!!
Guatemala!!!!!!!! please!!
Joomla Day Guatemala 2013, que felicidad!!
Ahi estaremos
I’ve got one more ticket to give away for JoomlaDay Boston.
First one to respond to the post here gets it: