Our Joomla 3 Template Design Class is Live
Our new Joomla 3 template design class is now live online.
Vicki Watson is going to show you how to use Joomla and the Bootstrap CSS framework to create beautiful designs.
We already have template design classes available for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5. However, this new Joomla 3 class is radically different because of the introduction of Bootstrap, which makes designing much easier and quicker.
This class is split into two parts. In the first part, we have over 20 videos that introduce you to Bootstrap. In the second part, we show you to how apply your Bootstrap design to Joomla, using advanced features such as LESS and media queries.
Sample Video: Creating a Bootstrap Layout
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Sample Video: Converting a Bootstrap Layout
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Ready to start learning Bootstrap and Joomla 3
Click here to view the Joomla 3 template design class.
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