Video Class Update: Introduction to HTML

One of the first classes ever created at OSTraining has been completely overhauled! Our Introduction to HTML class has been significantly updated and expanded. There are over 40 new high-definition videos in this class.
HTML is the foundation for all web development. With the advent of modern browsers, a lot has changed in the past few years. In this update, Rod covers all the basics and discusses some of the new features of HTML5 and the semantic web.
Introduction to HTML Syllabus
- Introduction and Overview of the Project
- Suggested HTML Editors
- What is HTML?
- Understanding Tags and Containers
- Understanding Whitespace and Commenting
- Displaying Text with Paragraphs
- Using Block and Inline Tags
- Understanding HTML Symbols
- Understanding the HEAD Element
- Understanding the Title Element
- Understanding the Meta Tag
- Applying CSS to Your Document
- Adding Scripting Elements
- Heading Tags
- Line Breaks and Spaces
- Phrase Elements
- Adding Font Markup
- Highlighting, Superscript and Subscript Text
- Understanding Preformatted Text
- Quiz Part 1
- Adding Images
- Flowing Text Around Images
- Adding Space Around Images
- Understanding URLs
- Working with Hyperlinks
- Using Relative URLs
- Linking Within A Page
- Using Images As Links
- Understanding Lists
- List Elements
- Text Menus
- Introduction to CSS
- Cleaning Up Our Site with CSS
- Introduction to HTML 5 Semantic Elements
- Revising Our Homepage
- Outside Content
- Setting up Our Page
- Embedding a Map and Video
- Introduction to Tables
- Setting Up Our Gallery
- Adding Links to Images
- Summary
- Final HTML Quiz