Learning Launch: Drupal Theming is Complete
Our latest video class covers theming for Drupal.
We take you step-by-step through the process of creating Drupal themes. You’ll learn how to:
- Download and configure contributed themes
- Build your own themes
- Use starter or base themes as a launching point
This week we released the last of the 25 videos in this class.
Click here to see the Drupal Theming class.
Drupal Theming Introduction
{snippet drupalthemingintrovideo}
Drupal Theming Class Overview
- Introduction to Drupal Themes
- What You’ll Need for This Course
- Setting Up Our Environment
- The Drupal Theming System
- Where Can I Get Drupal Themes?
- Installing Themes from Drupal.org
- Configuring Themes
Building the First Theme
- The .info File
- Declaring Regions
- Adding Features
- Adding CSS
- Adding Javascript
Introducing Template Overrides
- Theme Developer Tools
- Introduction to Template Overrides
- Editing node.tpl.php
- Editing the Article Content Type
- Creating the People Template Override
- Section Task: Override the Maintenance Page
Overriding Other Areas of Your Site
- Theming Contributed Modules
- PHP and Functions
- PHP Functions Part 2
- Finding the Fields to Include
- Introduction to Views Template Overrides
- Some Final Thoughts