New Video Class: Drupal 7 Layout and Theming
This week’s new video class is “Drupal 7 Layout and Theming“.
This massive new class is 56 videos long and covers everything you need to know when starting to design Drupal sites.
This class was created in partnership with Acquia, and you’ll learn all the best practices from Drupal’s top company. You’ll learn a variety of approaches to make dynamic layouts in Drupal, and how to choose the right approach for your site. You’ll also learn how to get more control over the look and feel by creating a custom theme in Drupal.
By the end of the class, you’ll know how to create and configure Drupal sites that are responsive and beautiful.
Outline of the Drupal 7 Layout and Theming Class
- Welcome
- What You Need
- Your Learning Environment
- Your Site for This Class
- Drupal Theming Fundamentals
- Types of Themes
- Finding and Evaluating Themes
- Installing New Themes
- Making a Simple Theme
- Adding Screenshots
- Declaring Regions
- Adding Features to Your Theme
- Adding CSS
- Adding Javascript
- Adding CSS and Images
- Anatomy of a Drupal Page
- Customizing Your Theme
- Coding Standards
- Template File Overrides
- Overriding the Core node.tpl.php
- Theme Developer Module
- Overrides by ID and Content Type
- Adding Custom Regions
- Overriding the Maintenance Page
- Basic Structures in PHP
- Conditional Statements
- Overriding Theme Functions
- Adding a Variable Introduction to Arrays
- Base Themes and Subtheming
- Best Practices for Subtheming
- Using a Zen Subtheme
- Project Pages on
- Importing a Distribution
- Creating a Zen Subtheme
- Theme Settings
- Generating Test Content
- Creating Custom CSS Files
- Markup and Styles
- Custom Homepage Layout
- Challenging Designs
- Adapting CSS for a Design
- Introduction to Responsive Drupal
- Responsive Menus Module
- Responsive Views
- Responsive Slideshows
- Responsive Images
- Responsive Videos
- Layout via Configuration
- Site Building Tips
- Contributed Modules for Layout
- Display Suite
- Panels and Custom Layouts
- Context
- Final Exercise
How to Take the Drupal 7 Layout and Theming Class
If you’re an OSTraining member, you can click here to take the Drupal 7 Layout and Theming Class.
We need this class for Drupal 8. I need to know how to create a custom theme for Drupal 8 but all the videos out there are garbage compared to how you guys teach. Please tell me this is down the pipeline and very close to completion?
Thanks for the kind words, Anthony.
This is definitely on our radar. The main obstacle is that Panels and most of the main theme frameworks are not ready for D8 yet. But they, and our training, should be available shortly.