Conversion Optimization Class is Now Live

Today is the third week of our month-long launch of new SEO classes.
We’ve already released three classes and a new area of the support forum for SEO and Marketing questions.
This week’s new class is Conversion Optimization. This class helps you sell more to your visitors. We start by helping you identify and understand your potential customer. We then show you how to use bonuses, guarantees, discounts and other techniques to convert more visitors to customers.
What does the Conversion Optimization class cover?
- The Buying Brain
- Ideal Customer
- Wants and Needs
- Attraction, Conversion and Consumption
- Ingredients of Good Copy
- Bonuses and Pricing Grid
- Reverse Testimonials
- Objections
- Risk Reversal – Guarantee
- Creating Urgency
- Post Script
- Uniqueness
- Google Analytics
- Google Website Optimizer
Coming next week: YouTube Optimization
YouTube is an enormous traffic machine. In this class, Dan takes your SEO knowledge and shows how to adapt it to YouTube. How does YouTube optimization differ from regular SEO and how you can drive more traffic to your videos? Find out in this class.