Learn Drupal at CapitalCamp in Washington D.C.

If you can make it, we’d love to meet you at Capital Camp in Washington D.C..
The Drupal community is holding Capital Camp during the last week in July.
OSTraining will be at this year’s CapitalCamp on July 26th and 27th. We’ll also be giving 2 days of Drupal training before the conference on July 22nd and 23rd.
Capital Camp
The heart of Capital Camp is on Friday and Saturday. These days will be packed with sessions across four different tracks: Business/Government, Site Building, Development and UX/Design.
- Dates: July 26th and 27th
- Location: Marvin Center, George Washington University, 800 21st Street NW
- Website: http://capitalcamp.org
Drupal Training before Capital Camp
OSTraining is giving a complete, 2 day introduction to Drupal before CapitalCamp. You get 2 full days of training, plus 6 months of access to OSTraining’s videos and support.
- Dates: July 22nd and 23rd
- Location: Phase2 Technology 1330 Braddock Place, 7th Floor Alexandria, VA
- Website: https://ostraining.com
Thanks, and we hope to see you during Capital Camp.