This is Bootstrap Week at OSTraining: Watch 2 Free Classes

We’ve just published a post explaining that “Bootstrap’s popularity grew 1,000% in 3 years“. It’s clear that Bootstrap is the most popular design framework in the world.
If you haven’t used it before, Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS and Javascript framework that allows you to create clean-looking websites. Bootstrap provides pre-built code that solves many of the tricky elements, such as responsiveness, that slow down web projects.
This week, to celebrate Bootstrap’s growth, we’ve made two Bootstrap classes free to watch at OSTraining. All these videos will be available to non-members until Friday night.
Class #1: How to Use Bootstrap
If you’re new to Bootstrap, watch this introductory class, “How to Use the Bootstrap Framework“. These videos will show you how to use Bootstrap’s grid system, and responsive features. You’ll also learn how to customize forms, menus, buttons and text.
Class #2: Drupal and Bootstrap
If you like Drupal, try the class, “How to Build Drupal Themes With Bootstrap“. This class shows you how to use Boostrap with the Drupal core, plus also Views, Panels, modals and more.