Welcome Bill Tomczak and Valentin Garcia


We’re delighted to welcome two new staff members to OSTraining.

Bill Tomczack and Valentin Garcia have joined us over the last few weeks.

If you’ve been around OSTraining over the last couple of months, you’ve already seen some of their handiwork.

Bill is our new developer. He’s been working under the hood, smoothing out a lot of small bugs on the site.

Valentin is our new designer. He’s been very active in our support forum  answering WordPress, Joomla and coding questions. And, of course, he’s also been redesigning parts of our site.

Bill Tomczak

bill-tBill is a familiar face to many in the Joomla community

He was introduced to Joomla in 2006, and is now focused almost entirely on writing custom extensions for Joomla. He works with a number of web designers, providing technical and engineering support and custom programming for them and their clients.

Bill first worked with us as a teacher in Denver. He moved to Portland recently, and it was there (oddly, after DrupalCon Portland this May) that we caught up again.

Bill wanted a fresh challenge. We needed a talented, savvy developer. It was an ideal match.

Bill’s our Director of Code. In addition to improving all internal development processes, Bill be teaching with us. He’ll focus on coding and Joomla 3 extension development.

Valentin Garcia

valentinValentin is a new designer and support team member.

Valentin has 8 extensions on the Joomla Extensions Directory and has developed a range of Joomla templates, WordPress themes and stand-alone designs.

Valentin lives in San Julián in Jalisco, Mexico. Wikipedia describes the city has “having very beautiful women and many handsome men”. Valentin denies he wrote that.


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of OSTraining. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve's work straddles the line between teaching and web development.

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