Please Take the OSTraining 2013 Survey
Every year, we ask you for your opinion about OSTraining.
We ask for your feedback on 3 things:
- What we’re doing right at OSTraining.
- What we can do better.
- What new features and classes you’d like to see.
We value your opinion, but also your time. The survey is brief and we have plenty of prizes for survey takers.
Everyone is welcome to take the survey. Even if you’re not an OSTraining member, we have questions and prizes for you.
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Prizes for Survey Takers
For the top prize, one lucky winner will take home a Nexus 7 tablet from Google. It’s said to be the best open source tablet available today.
Other prizes include:
- 2 annual memberships to OSTraining.
- 5 biannual memberships to OSTraining.
- 3 copies of Joomla Explained, the best-selling Joomla book.
- 3 copies of Drupal Explained, the best-selling Drupal book.
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Let’s go!
Great, thanks Juan Manuel