A Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing

If you’ve been following what’s been happening in online marketing, you’ll know that marketers and businesses are clamoring to take advantage of YouTube to drive traffic to their website.
And there’s a good reason for that: YouTube is the second largest search engine and the third most visited website in the world.
Here are 5 more reasons why you should be interested in YouTube marketing and optimization.
#1: It’s easy to get started
The first myth has to do with the fact that many people think in order to do video well you need to have expensive video equipment. In fact, all you need is an iPhone or smart phone and even a web camera will suffice. As long as you’re providing informative or creating entertaining videos, there will always be a group of people who will want to watch your videos.
So you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get up and running with YouTube video. Many successful YouTube channels have been built using none other than small video cameras under $200. But for little more money you can get a video camera that has an external microphone input which is highly recommended. For optimal video production an external microphone should be used. And the reason is that built-in video cam microphones will pick up ambient noise and echo that emanates between the microphone and speaker. An external microphone plugged into a camcorder and held near the speaker provides the best sound quality. You can buy a “lavalier” microphone that attaches to your lapel for approximately $45. It’s well worth the expense. There is a common rule in video production — 65% of the quality of your video is based on the audio quality. In other words, people will put up with with less than ideal quality video but that does not apply to audio.
#2: Simple videos can work
You don’t have to be a Hollywood starlet in front of the camera in order to be successful or be able to sell your product or service online. The fact is many sales leads have been generated from videos that use PowerPoint type presentations with voiceover. So if you’re uncomfortable with being in front of a camera then fear not because PowerPoint or computer screen capture type video presentations work equally as well as someone speaking on video.
Rod Martin, our head of video training, has a great series of tutorials on the Joomla Community Magazine that can help you get started with creating videos:
#3: YouTube SEO can be faster and easier
Are you someone who understands organic search engine optimization? If so, you might think that YouTube optimization is the same as organic SEO.
Although there is some common ground, YouTube optimization differs more than it has elements in common with organic SEO. Interestingly, YouTube SEO is far easier and much faster to rank for. In fact obtaining page 1 rankings on YouTube can be achieved in as little as 5 minutes.
#4: Provide information not a sales pitch
“All I have to do is put up one video on YouTube to make money”, said the YouTube newbie. And unfortunately many people do believe that uploading one video or two videos is all that is needed to succeed on YouTube.
If you think pitching a product or service in a YouTube video will garner sales for you, it’ll be a sad day to discover no one visits your website from your YouTube video. The reason — people want to be entertained or get valuable information to help them solve a problem. If you provide people with value-added information that helps them, you’ll begin to build trust.
#5: Build a channel
Having only one or a couple of videos just won’t cut it. You’d be mistaken if you thought that YouTube was not a community much like Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
In fact, YouTube has been recently redesigned to encourage people to create a YouTube channel with multiple videos. YouTube has stated very clearly that it wants to be the network television of the Internet. So it’s best to create a YouTube channel that is focused on one theme and that all your videos are related to that theme.
Right now, YouTube is still considered the Wild West much like Google back in 1999. So it’s fairly easy to create videos and get them ranked fairly high for moderately competitive keyword phrases; but the window of opportunity is growing shorter every day. If you want to dominate your niche or business on YouTube then don’t hesitate to take this unparalleled marketing opportunity right now.
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