How to Start Marketing Your Business While Your Site is In Progress

A new day, a new story told, another plugin installed, another research conducted, one more optimization, and another step crossed towards putting the final full stop on your website creating expedition. I know it’s been long, exhausting, extensive, mixed with at least dozen of different emotions, but you will pull it off. Hang in there just a little bit more, and you’ll feel proud like never before, I swear!
OK, enough with the pep talks, because we have a much more important topic to discuss. You’ve got the content, you did the math and design, and everything seems to be in order, but the key fragment to complete this website making puzzle might be lacking – marketing!
Marketing has unimaginable value considering the benefits it brings to the table, so no wonder the experts in the field suggest that you should spend 50% of your time on writing and 50% on advertising (some even suggest 40% opposed to 60% in the favor of advertising).
Gaining new users and improving your traffic, brand recognition and awareness, better relationship with your audience, efficiency, effectiveness…there are so many upsides of marketing, it would be redundant to point them all out. If you perform your marketing tasks properly, it will lead to gaining the most valuable thing you crave from the first day you decided to bond your soul with a website which will later become your alter ego, and that is “engagement!”
A sentence spoken by Mari Smith, one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media, rounds it up perfectly: “Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house!”
The importance of marketing is undisputed, but the question remains – how do you perform it, and what is the most efficient way of promoting your website before you launch it? Let’s hop into it and examine the 5 best marketing methods while your site is in progress.
#5. Teaser Video
People are visual beings, and they will trade watching for reading with very few exceptions. You need to take advantage of that. By resorting to this method, you get the commodity of combining everything that makes you stand out – a preview of your content and things that your users can expect from the new website, a showcase of features, design patterns, and virtually everything that streams their attention towards their new favorite place on the internet neatly packed in a short video that will leave them begging for more!
#4. Giveaways and Contests
Go on an average, random, Facebook page and start scrolling through their posts. Pay close attention to their likes, comments, and shares. What do you see? A fine number of each until you suddenly run into a post that is packed with thousands of engagements. What type of gold mine post is that? A giveaway/contest of course!
People love free stuff, especially when it’s a product from their favorite blogger. A book, some simple merchandise, yearly subscriptions…anything will get the job done as long as you are creative and hit your target audience with something they will cherish. Stay interactive, combine it with your other marketing methods, and watch those users arriving in thousands!
#3. Social Media
Social media has been one of the most consistent ways of reaching huge numbers of people and getting excellent engagement and as so deserves its spot as one of the best promotion methods. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter…all of them possess extreme value in the marketing domain. Post images, teasers, and videos, utilize hashtags and collaborate with influencers, join groups – there are so many possibilities and potential, and with new trends that emerge on a daily basis, you pretty much can’t run out of ideas. And if you are ready to sponsor your content (which I suppose you are), you are almost guaranteed to get top notch results.
#2. Email Marketing
Some people believe that email lost its touch and that it belongs to the antique shelf of online marketing, but that opinion is nowhere near the truth. It’s proven that 72% of people choose email promotion of content over other methods, while a message is 5 times more likely to be seen via email compared to Facebook. By exploiting this method, you get the opportunity to communicate directly to your audience, thus building a bond while making sure that the message is spread across users that are genuinely interested in your content. It’s ridiculously efficient, drives traffic, is cheap, and builds a base for upcoming content promotion which makes it one of the best marketing methods.
#1. Coming Soon Website
Sitting on the throne as, by far, the most proficient method of marketing your website before the launch is the “coming soon” website.
- Subscribe button added ✓
- Social media buttons ✓
- Teaser video ✓
- Giveaways ✓
Literally every successful method of promoting can be included on your “coming soon” website, not to mention the details you can adjust to get the perfect welcome message. It helps you build credibility, establish your brand, get the cover you need for all of the construction work happening under the hood, boosts your SEO and the list goes on and on with the results of having a huge buzz and hype around your website. Creating a “coming soon” page could be a demanding procedure; if you’re not using the proper plugin of course, then it becomes slightly more advanced than a walk in the park. And which plugin would that be? There are 2 choices that stand above others:
What makes these plugins so special?
- Over one million premium images for instance.
- Hundreds of templates and themes available that will fit literally any business.
- Affiliate & traffic tracking for generating tracked inbound links.
- Easy access for clients that allows you to share your website with anyone while still keeping your whole site hidden from users.
- Cool features: a simple interface, fast and professional support, SEO setup and others for you to discover
Utilize one of these plugins, and you have the full package that will be your ultimate tool for creating the best possible “coming soon” page that the world wide web has ever seen.
In conclusion, I know how much time and effort it takes to start from scratch and develop a brand new website, but if you don’t invest additional efforts in marketing, it will never blossom to its full potential.
Pre-promotion offers so many benefits, and not utilizing them would be a rookie move. Instead, apply these methods, spread the word through the globe by using the right tools, channels and plugins, and throw on your protection goggles and earplugs because when the launch happens, your website it’s going to explode!