OSTips – Which Form Should You Choose in Mautic
One of the questions I get every once in a while when I’m creating a form in Mautic to embed on my website is which form type should I choose.
In this video, I’m going to answer that question. It’s actually a pretty simple answer.
Let’s dive in.
“Welcome to OSTips from OSTraining. My name is Rod Martin.
So when I click on new form I’m given the two choices I mentioned:
- campaign form
- standalone form
Really the difference is this:
- If you want the contacts that submit the form to go straight into a campaign with really no other processing, then choose campaign form.
- If you want to create several actions based on someone’s filling out the form, then use standalone form.
9 times out of 10, I use standalone form because standalone forms allow me to perform a number of actions including sending someone to a campaign via the segment they get added to.
It is one more step if all you’re wanting to do is push someone to a campaign, but the standalone form allows me to:
- adjust contact’s points
- modify contact’s segments & tags
- record UTM tags
- push the contact to an integration such as Salesforce
- send an email to the contact or to any user
- send form results to a bunch of different people
- and many more
So as I just said, about 9 times out of 10 I go ahead and use a standalone form. I have more options for actions than i might have with a campaign form. That said if all i want to do is throw someone in a campaign, the campaign form is really handy to use.
Thanks for watching. This has been OStips from OS Training, and I’m Rod Martin.”
Thank you for this post + video. In the complexity of all the universe, this was precisely the answer I was looking for. You saved me so much time, and confirmed my own thoughts, that I used the saved time to write you this comment.
Great stuff!