1 Great Thing in 2014: Wistia

Reflecting back on 2014 with OSTraining, my mind settles on the most important decision we made for the delivery of our online training; the move to Wistia.com for hosting our videos.
It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Wistia. From the ease of project management to the advanced statistics; from the easy API to their excellent customer service; from the excellent pricing to the streaming of every pixel, Wistia proves itself every day to be a great choice for delivering our training to you.
Here are just four reasons why:
- Expertise. They are video experts. They host video, produce video, live and breath video. They share their insights on the blog and they are fun (just read some of their posts). I appreciate their vast knowledge of video creation and hosting and their willingness to share.
- Power. The Wistia API has allowed us to create a player that people really love. If you’ve watched videos at OSTraining this year, you’ve probably noticed the navigation buttons, autoplay, focus and “skip to where you left off”. We’ve even created a Joomla plugin called OSWistia that gives you all of those features.
- Statistics. I highlighted the very robust statistics we get from Wistia in our Joomla Video Hosting class. You can see some screenshots there. In short, we can see the performance of every video and class. We’re using this to help us determine what courses would be most beneficial for you.
- Easy. Wistia is a feature rich hosting service for video and they have a LOT of options you can apply to any video. The great thing is that even with all the complexity, their interface is very simple to use. Uploading, categorizing, even replacing videos is easier at Wistia than even YouTube or Vimeo.
As we continue into 2015, we’ll be working hard to make the experience at OSTraining even better. I’m very glad Wistia will be a part of that effort.
Oh, and if you get the chance, watch some of Wistia’s own videos. They not only do great video hosting, but they make some really funny videos too: http://wistia.com/learning/video-production.