OSTalks #9 with Diana Dupuis from DrupalCon Austin

Welcome to the ninth episode of OSTalks, our video podcast series.
Our aim with OSTalks is to present conversations with interesting people from around the open source world.
This week, I’m chatting with Diana Dupuis, a Drupal specialist and the Local Chair for the 2014 North American DrupalCon in Austin.
In this podcast we talk about her journey in Drupal, her role in DrupalCon Austin, and specifically about women in open source. You’ll be interested to hear her perspective on what it will take to see more women involved!
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My first OSTalk; very pleasant 13 mins spent; prompted me to check out more training options – I hadn’t looked at PHP training. I took a Lynda course on it many years ago, long before I actually needed it. Ron’s complement will prompt me to check it out at OST. One technical comment – the Volume balance between the two speakers could be better matched.
Thanks for the kind words and feedback, Mark
Wonderful interview. Very inspiring hearing Ms. Dupuis talk about coding and how she teaches it. I’ll keep this in mind when I get discouraged.