Image Recycle Optimizes Images in Joomla, WordPress and Magento

Many websites have images that much larger and much slower-loading than neccessary.
With the right tool, you can optimize your images so they still look good, but also load much more quickly.
Image Recycle is one of those tools, but it sits directly inside your CMS and makes it really, really easy to optimize images. Here’s how it works …
How to Use Image Recycle with Joomla
- Download the Joomla extension for Image Recycle.
- Install to your Joomla site via Extensions > Manage > Install.
- Go to Components > Image Recycle.
- You’ll be asked to login to your Image Recycle account:

- As soon as you login, Image Recycle will automatically show all your images.
- Click the “Optimize” or “Optimize all” buttons:

- Image Recycle will start to optimize your images and show you how much smaller your images are:

- If you do click “Optimize all”, it might take a while to process all the images. The image below shows a site with over 1,000 images. The process took about 15 minutes to complete. On one large site, I was able to save over 800 MB on all our images!

- Also, if you choose the “Optimize all” option, you’ll get an email when the process is finished:

- If you do have a very large site with a lot of images, you can click the “Options” button and then “Include folders”.

- You can choose to optimize only images in particular folders. Doing one folder at a time made it much easier for me to optimize a site with over 10,000 images!

- Also in the options tab, you can choose to automatically optimize images whenever you save an article:

How to Use Image Recycle with WordPress
- Go to Plugin, and search for Image Recycle.
- Install and enable the plugin.
- Go to Settings > Image Recycle.
- You’ll be asked to login to your Image Recycle account.
- After logging in, you’ll see a list of all your WordPress images:

- Click the “Optimize” or “Optimize all” buttons. Image Recycle will automatically update your images and show you how much space you’ve saved:

- In the Image Recycle settings, you can choose to only search certain folders:

How to Use Image Recycle with Magento
Image Recycle works with Magento 1.
- In your Magento site, go to System > Magento connect > Magento connect manager..
- Login to Magento Connect.
- Go to the Image Recycle page and generate the extension key.

- Go to back to your Magento site and System > ImageRecycle.
- Login with your ImageRecycle account.
- After logging in, you’ll see a list of all your Magento Images.
- Click the “Optimize” or “Optimize all” buttons. Image Recycle will automatically update your images and show you how much space you’ve saved:

- Click on setting and you’ll able to choose which images Image Recycle uses:

Does this only compress the images or does it resize to the width/height it’s displayed on the site?
Technically, yes it can resize. But I wouldn’t … because of responsive design. Images need to change size.