How to Uninstall a Drupal 7 Module
This tutorial will show you how to uninstall a module from your Drupal 7 site.
In this example, we’re going to show you how to uninstall the Devel module. Devel is very useful for developing a site, but should be uninstalled before going live.
Step #1. Uninstalling the module
Go to the Modules screen and click Uninstall in the top-right corner.
Here you’ll see a list of modules that can be uninstalled:
At the moment, Devel is not in this list. If you don’t see the module you want to remove in this list, go back the Modules page and disable the module.
Sometimes, if the module consists of multiple parts, you may need to disable several parts. In this case, you’ll need to disable Devel generate and then Devel generate:
Now I click Uninstall again and Devel is available to uninstall.
Check the box for the module you want to uninstall. As with disabling the module, you may need to uninstall one before you uninistall the others.
Click Uninstall.
Click Uninstall again to confirm you really want to delete it.
Step #2. Deleting the files
The process in Step 1 uninstalls the modules, but doesn’t delete the files.
To fully remove a module, you will need login to your site’s files and browse to /sites/all/modules/ to delete the files:
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