Randomly Show Drupal Content or Users in Views

One of our members wanted to randomly sort their Views results.
Fortunately, because random sorting is a core Views feature, it is very easy to do
- Go Structure > Views > Add new view. In this example, I’m going to randomly sort my site’s user profiles:

- Click “Add” next to “Sort Criteria”:

- Search for the setting, “Global: Random”.
- Click “Apply (All displays)” twice.

- Save your view.
- Every time you see the view in action, it will now sort randomly from all the available users or content.
Hi Steve! Great tutorial. I’m encountering an issue, however. When I refresh the page, the same results appear. Then, if I clear the cache, (or presumably if I wait a few hours) and refresh the page again, only then do I get new random values. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Hi J,
yes – that’s easily fixed as well.
Click on the Advanced dropdown -> Caching and change Tags to None.
That’s it!