OSTips-How To Easily Replace Media In Drupal 8

One of the great things about Drupal’s new media manager is the ability to easily see all the media you’re using on your website.
What if you want to replace one of those images or even more likely a PDF that needs to be updated?
Well in this OSTip, I’m going to show you how.
Let’s go!
“Hi and welcome to OSTips from OSTraining. I’m Rod Martin.
Osborne is the creator of this module. It installs like any other module, but here’s the instructions you’ll need to know to enable the module.
- browse to the forum
- display configuration for any file based media types
- enable the replace file form display widget (usually put it right under the file or image widget)
This is how it works. I’ve already installed the media entity file replace.
- head over to structure media types image
- manage form display
- grab replace file
- drag it up under tags
- click Save
Now under our media item, you’ll see the replace file section where you can replace the file and update everywhere it’s been embedded in one simple action.
All right well that’s it. It can’t be much simpler than that, and it adds such amazing functionality to the media manager for Drupal 8.
This has been OStips from OS Training.”
Except that won’t work. Instead you need https://www.drupal.org/project/media_entity_download