FPA – Fast Permissions Access for Drupal


As your Drupal site grows, so does your permissions page. Finding the permissions you need to change often requires a lot of clicking and scrolling.

Fast Permissions Access (FPA) is a simple Drupal module that makes managing permissions much easier. FPA puts a neat little search box on the permissions page so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.

Step 1: Install the FPA module

  • Download, install and enable the FPA module from: http://drupal.org/project/fpa
  • FPA works perfectly out of the box, but if you have the CTools module you can also show the results in a pop-up window.

Step 2: Access the module controls

  • On your admin bar click People.
  • Choose the Permissions tab.
  • You will see a new Filter installed on your permissions page.

Step 3: Sort by roles

  • Select a role from the Roles selector. Holding CTRL while you click you will be allow you to make multiple selections.
  • The role or roles you choose will be reflected in the columns.
  • You can also look at the permissions for an individual module or content type.

Step 4: Search for a permissions associated with a module or content type

  • To search for the permissions dealing with a specific module or content type, type into the Filter box.


Step 5: Do a cross search for a module and a role

  • Enter @modulename in the filter field.
  • Choose one or more roles from the Roles box.

Step 6: Keyword search example

  • Search by “user”
  • Only pulls up entries with “user” in the title.
  • Search by @user returns everything in the user section.

  • Adding a word in front of the @ refines the search further to descriptions that have both words.



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