Add A Dropdown Admin Menu to Your Drupal Site

Drupal Admin Menu
One of things we often do for our training clients is simplify the admin area for them. There is a module that allows users to manage their site via a clean, dropdown menu. It has proven so popular that companies such as Acquia provide it by default to all their customers:
Here’s how to install it:
  • Step 1: Click here to download the latest version of “Admin Menu”. Choose the top link under “Recommended releases”.
  • Step 2: Extract the files into a folder on your desktop. The folder will be called “admin_menu”
  • Step 3: Login to your site’s files via FTP and navigate to /sites/default/. If there isn’t a folder called /modules/ here, create one.
  • Step 4: Upload the “admin_menu” folder to /sites/default/modules/
  • Step 5: Go to Administer >> Modules >> Administration menu and check the box.  
  • Step 6: Click ‘Save Configuration” at the very bottom of the screen.
  • Step 7: Go to Administer >> Site configuration >> Administration menu and there are some settings you can edit.

Once you’ve followed those seven steps, your dropdown menu should appear at the top of the page.

Drupal Admin Menu

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  • Rod Martin

    Rod holds two masters degrees and has been training people how to do "things" for over 25 years. Originally from Australia, he grew up in Canada and now resides just outside Cincinnati, Ohio. He has worked in both the non-profit and for-profit worlds, in small companies and large corporations. His extensive open source experience includes WordPress, Joomla and Drupal and he really knows how to help you get the most out of the system you chose. Rod plays ice hockey a couple of times a week and rides his Goldwing motorcycle pretty much everywhere he can.

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14 years ago

realy helpful. thanks

12 years ago

In drupal 7

1 Download the same module on [url=]…[/url]

2 install it via your drupal site


3 enable “Administration menu” and “Administration menu style” and disable toolbar module


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