4 Social Sharing Modules for Drupal


If you don’t give your site visitors an opportunity to share your webpages, you’re missing out on an opportunity for others to hear about your great content.

Drupal has several modules that allow you to add Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social buttons.

In this blog, we’re going to introduce you to four different options for adding social sharing to your Drupal site:

  • Service Links
  • Social Share
  • AddThis
  • AddToAny

ServiceLinks Module


There are so many options available in this module, we could do a full blog on just this one. But this is about comparing so let’s cover the basics.

  1. Download and install https://drupal.org/project/service_links.
  2. Enable the Service links module and at least one of the Service links services modules that shipped with this module. I enabled Widget services.
  3. Configure at admin/config/services/service-links. This is where you decide the type of node that can be shared and if you want the links at the bottom of the node).
  4. Select the widgets (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc) here admin/config/services/service-links/services.
  5. Configure widgets here admin/config/services/service-links/widgets.
  6. If you want the buttons in a block, visit the blocks admin page and configure either/or the node block or the block designed to allow non-node pages to be shared.

AddThis Module


This module taps into the Addthis.com service. You don’t need an account to make this work.

  1. Download and install https://drupal.org/project/addthis.
  2. Enable AddThis and AddThis Displays.
  3. Configure at admin/config/user-interface/addthis. This is where you select the social network services you want to make available.
  4. Add an AddThis field to the content types if you want the link to appear in the content type.
  5. Manage the display to make the icons to show and hide the label.
  6. If you want the buttons in a block, visit the blocks admin page and configure the AddThis block. This will share the non-node pages.

AddToAny Module


This module has the fewest options but it’s easy to set up.

  1. Download and install https://drupal.org/project/addtoany.
  2. Enable AddToAny.
  3. Configure for all content types at admin/config/system/addtoany. The screenshot shows the button in the Link variable but you can include where “Bookmark/Search …” is located. This module does not appear to give you the option to choose which networks you want users to be able to access.
  4. If you want the buttons in a block, visit the blocks admin page and configure the AddToAny block. This will share the applicable nodes and the homepage. It will not share non-node pages.

Social Share Module


I like the default buttons that come with this one.

  1. Download and install https://drupal.org/project/social-share.
  2. Enable Social Share.
  3. Configure at admin/config/content/social-share.
  4. Configure networks and label (if you want one) on each content type in the Social Share vertical tab.
  5. If you check the box to make a block, it will be automatically placed in a region … at least that’s what happened in Bartik. It showed up in the Header region. Configure the block to set the networks. FYI, the block recognizes non-node pages.


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Alex Weber
Alex Weber
11 years ago

I know it hasn’t been updated that frequently lately, but don’t forget about Easy Social!

11 years ago
Reply to  Alex Weber

Thanks Alex. The related link for people interested: [url=https://drupal.org/project/easy_social]https://drupal.org/project/…[/url]

11 years ago

[url=https://drupal.org/project/responsive_share_buttons]https://drupal.org/project/…[/url] simple and easy.

11 years ago
Reply to  twooten

Great. Thanks for the link, twooten.

11 years ago

There is also ShareMessage module based on Addthis API [url=https://drupal.org/project/sharemessage]https://drupal.org/project/…[/url]

Amc square learning | Reviews
Amc square learning | Reviews
11 years ago

Well Presented.. Thanks for sharing it

Amc square learning | Reviews
Amc square learning | Reviews
11 years ago

Great post.. Keep it up the same work..

10 years ago

Could you explain how to share only images in the content?

Joris Sewandono
Joris Sewandono
9 years ago

This looks like a promising sharing module for drupal! Responsive Share Buttons


Oops Twooten already mentioned that one 🙂

ŠâŁmäñ HäíÐeŕ ĸħän
ŠâŁmäñ HäíÐeŕ ĸħän
9 years ago

There are tons of others too

8 years ago

which one is better for using in views

Daniel Pickering
8 years ago
Reply to  HDN

AddToAny is probably the most popular of them now.


chicken soup
chicken soup
8 years ago

This article is 3 years old but after investigating virtually every social sharing module currently available for Drupal, I determined AddToAny is best all around. It’s the most actively maintained, highly configurable with one of the smallest footprints.

Daniel Pickering
8 years ago
Reply to  chicken soup

Hi, Yes that was my suggestion to HDN.

Dmytro Aleksieiev
Dmytro Aleksieiev
8 years ago


7 years ago


Sagir Husssain Khan
Sagir Husssain Khan
7 years ago

Thanks for the article. I’m searching something like this. Hope this will help me.

3 years ago

Unable to share my every page(basic page) via LinkedIn share button(Drupal 8)

1.create a basic page
2.tried and enable these modules like sharethis_block or addtoany or Social Sharing block and all modules same issue
3.ienable the module(sharethis_block) and other modules also check – add region in admin block layout
4.visible my icons in details page(basic page)
5.click LinkedIn it shows below issue
“Something went wrong
Refresh the page
Try again”
6.can you please let me how to add the LinkedIn share button and exact module and configuration, please
7.please explain LinkedIn setup and configuration.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x