How to Add Your Code to MotoCMS Website Creator

Today we are going to explore some new features, which can be quite useful for your new MotoCMS responsive themes website.
To make it more attractive for your visitors and more functional for yourself, you should know how to inject basic HTML, CSS and Javascript generated codes and how to embed widgets.
At first, it may seem complicated, but you will see that it isn’t. The instructions below you will help you handle this task without a problem. Let’s start with the code injection.
Code Injection
As soon as you open the starting page of your new website, have a look at the left upper corner. You will see six buttons there – Dashboard, Pages, Design, Media Library, Settings and Blog. This time we need Settings.
Now pay attention to the left side of the page. There are seven options in the column: General, Updates Analysis, Code injection, Mail, Integration and Redirects. Of course, the one we need at the moment is Code injection. Click this button.
There are two empty fields on the page – Header and Footer. Choose the html/javascript generated code you want to apply and paste it within the Header/Footer fields. In the example below, a javascript calendar code is injected:
Please, have a look at the right upper corner of the page. You can see two small buttons there – Reset and Save Changes.
If you are satisfied with the results, click Save Changes. If you want to repeat the procedure once more, click Reset. Do not forget that the changes will be applied to all pages of the site.
To preview the changes go to any page of your site – look at the calendar we embedded!
Now when we are finished with the code injection, let’s proceed to the Embed widget.
Embed Widget
First of all, you should return to the starting page of your website. Among the six buttons we have already discussed, now choose Pages.
Pay attention to the Widgets section on the left hand side of the page. Scroll to the bottom of this section to find the Embed icon. Now drag and drop this icon on the page.
In the right hand side of the page, a new section will appear which enables you to work with your new widget.
Into the empty dark field you can paste the html/javascript generated code you choose to use. In the example, you see the html code of the clock being applied.
With the help of Embed section,you also can change the Spacing of the widget, its Alignment, and add Animation as you’d like.
When you finish editing your widget, press Save in the right upper corner to save the changes. If you do not like them, click Cancel.
If you have chosen Save, you can preview the application on the page using the control panel and on the site itself. You only need to click View Site.
Now it is high time to practice! Go ahead and be creative! Good luck!