Better Category URLs in WordPress with Remove Category URL Plugin

By default, when the SEF URLs are enabled in WordPress, the category links include the word “category” just before the category slug.
In this tutorial, we will show you how to easily remove “category” from your URLs in WordPress by using the “Remove Category URL” plugin.
Default Category URLs
By default, this is how a URL for categories will appear:
Install the Remove Category URL plugin
First, we’ll need to install the “Remove Category URL” plugin.
- Log in to your WordPress site.
- Go to Plugins > Add new and search for “Remove Category URL”.
- Click “Install Now” and activate the plugin.
End Result
Check your site. Now the category URLs should be shorter:
NO its not working.its taking the default category post.
i want to remove the uncategorized text in the url for no parent post.give ,me solution.