Poopy.life Provides Unlimited Free WordPress Sandboxes

Poopy.life Free Unlimited WordPress Sandbox

Are you a WordPress beginner and want to test WordPress themes and plugins?

Last month, the team behind WP All Import launched a site called poopy.life, which allows you to create free WordPress sandboxes.

Yes, that’s really the name.

No, I don’t know why they called it that.

Yes, it does work really well.

How to launch a poopy.life WordPress sandbox

To launch a Poopy.life WordPress sandbox, visit poopy.life and click on the “poopy.life/create” web link:

WordPress Poopy.life main page

Once you click on the link, poopy.life will automatically redirect you to a temporary WordPress installation. This install will last for 7 days.

When you arrive at this newly created WordPress sandbox administrator dashboard, you will see the “Sandbox” tab open (1), with the “Thank you for trying Sandbox.” message (2).

Underneath this message, you’ll see your new WordPress test site URL, administrator username, and password (3). Save these details as you can come back to this site for at least another week.

WordPress Poopy.life sandbox tab

At the bottom of this “Thank You” block is a message saying “Want Sandbox installs with a different domain name? Sign up here!” weblink (4).

At the time of writing this blog post, the sign-up page says this:

“In the near future we will launch a pro version of poopy.life to allow installs to use a custom domain, along with other management and migration tools.”

The owner of the Poopy.life, WP All Import, plans to release a commercial version with custom domains, hosting, FTP, SSH, migration tools and enterprise-level features.

Under the “Thank you” block with your WordPress sandbox URL and administrator login details, you can also see the “Add 1 Week” blue button. Click on this if you are planning to use this sandbox for longer than 7 days.

add one week button

The third button, “Create Sandbox Template”, allows you to create a copy of your sandbox site and send the URL to somebody else:

create a WordPress sandbox template

That’s all to the “Sandbox” tab of your poopy.life WordPress sandbox. Give this new free WordPress sandbox a try.

Are you new to WordPress? If you are, then visit our free WordPress Beginner Tutorial Class and learn by following short step-by-step tutorials.


  • Alex Smirnov

    Born from Ukrainian mother and Russian father, Alex migrated to the United Kingdom in 1999. He is a self-taught Microsoft Certified Professional. He enjoys learning content management systems and helping web site developers make the most of them.

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6 years ago

http://poopy.life is being flagged by McAfee as a security threat.

Bob Marley
Bob Marley
5 years ago
Reply to  Bob

That may be because people could be testing malicious exploits for wordpress themes.

4 years ago

Poopy.life service is not longer available. We created [b]SandboxCMS[/b], a platform that allows anyone to create WordPress sandbox sites for free in a matter of seconds.

We will be adding installations – pre-packed WordPress sites – with the most famous free plugins to save you more time, but once logged in you can do so too 🙂

4 years ago

please tell me sandbox is payment gatway plugin or other?

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