How to use the Fireshot addon for Firefox

Fireshot is a very useful Firefox plugin that allows you capture screenshots. Not only does Fireshot take the screenshot, but it also allows you to edit the image or email, print and upload it directly to Facebook, Flickr and other sites.
To be able take screenshots with FireShot, you’ll need two things:
- Mozilla Firefox
- The FireShot addon
Step 1: Open up your Firefox Browser

Step 2: Install Addon

Go to
After clicking on “+ Add to Firefox” you will receive a message that says “Install add-ons from only authors whom you trust”, click Install Now.
Step 3: Restart Firefox

A message box will pop up asking if you’d like to restart Firefox. You will need to do this for the new addon to take effect.
Step 4: Open Firefox and view your options

From this menu you can select the option that you are wanting to use.
Step 5: Using the “Capture Visible area and …” section.

This section will take a screen capture of whatever is visible on your monitor. From here you have other options to choose from which you can view in Step 8.
Step 6: Using the “Capture Selected area and ..” section.

This section will allow you to choose (or crop) a section of your screen and turn that into an image. From here you have other options to choose from which you can view in Step 8.
Step 7: Using the “Capture Entire page and ..” section.

This section will take a screen capture of the page you are on and turn it into an image. From here you have other options to choose from which you can view in the next step.
Step 8: Choose the method you’d like to use.

For each section you will see the same list of options to choose from. Below is a summary of what each sub option does after capturing an image:
- Uploads image to FireShot’s editor to make changes.
- Upload the image straight to facebook, flickr, etc. Or you can create a fireshot account and have your images stored on your account.
- Save it to your computer.
- Imports the image into a PDF file and save to your computer.
- Opens up your printer settings and allows you to print the image.
- Copies the image to your clipboard.
- E-Mail the image.
- Open up the image in an editing program that you currently have installed.
where does it put the saved file? There is no save as dialog. No file is created in downloads\Fireshot.