New Class: How to Use Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap is the most popular design framework in the world. It’s an HTML, CSS and Javascript framework that allows non-designers to create clean-looking websites and interfaces.
Earlier this week we looked at the numbers and discovered that between 50% and 70% of people who use a design framework choose Bootstrap.
Bootstrap is popular because it provides pre-built code that solves many of the tricky problems that slow down web projects.
This week’s new class, “How to Use the Bootstrap 4 Framework“, is the perfect introduction for anyone who wants to start using Bootstrap. These videos will show you how to use Bootstrap 4’s grid system, and responsive features. You’ll learn how to design menus, buttons, media and text. You’ll also see how to safely override Bootstrap’s defaults with your own code.
How to take the Bootstrap class
If you’re already an OSTraining member, you can click here to take the Bootstrap 4 class.
We do also have classes on Bootstrap with Drupal and Bootstrap 3. Plus, you can also watch classes on rival frameworks, UIKit and Zurb.
If you’d like to join, click here and join OSTraining.
About the teacher: Jen Kramer
Jen Kramer describes herself as a “Web Design Teacher” but that barely scratches the surface of what she does. She’s a speaker, a teacher, a writer, a video trainer, and much more besides. Jen currently teaches web design at Harvard Extension School. Click here to hear our podcast with Jen.
Sample video from the Bootstap class
The next step for our Bootstrap training
Now that the video class is available for Bootstrap 4, we’re starting work on a book too. Look for Bootstrap 4 Explained later this year!