Your Survey Answers and the Future of OSTraining

Every year, we ask you for your opinion about OSTraining.
In this year’s survey, we collected your feedback on 2 important topics:
- What we’re doing right at OSTraining and what we can do better.
- What new features and classes you’d like to see.
Here’s an overview of your answers and how they will impact the future of OSTraining.
Your answers (short version)
- What we’re doing right:
- 76% think OSTraining membership is great. 20% think it’s acceptable and 3% think it’s not good enough.
What we can do better:
Over 80% of you make money from webdesign. You want to us to release more advanced classes to help you at work.
- 80% of you would take part in live, online teaching sessions.
- 98% of you thought OSTraining does offer value for money, but there were many of you that wanted a cheaper options.
How we’re responding to your answers
- Advanced classes: We will publish a large number of more advanced classes in 2014.
- A new class release schedule, with live chat: Next week, we going to start a new publishing schedule:
- Every Monday we’ll launch at least one new class.
- Every Friday we’ll have a live presentation and Question-and-Answer session on the new class. For example, if we release a new class about jQuery on Monday, you’ll have 5 days to watch the class and then ask us questions on Friday.
- Other purchasing options: We’ll have a trial run of a new, affordable subscription, with videos but no forum support.
Prize winners
We offered prizes to a random selection of survey takers. Here are the main prize winners.
- Nexus 7 tablet: Ellen Rothwax
- 2 annual memberships to OSTraining: Neil Robertson and Scott Staffiery
- We’re also emailed winners of 5 biannual memberships, 3 copies of Joomla Explained and 3 copies of Drupal Explained.
Full survey results
Overall, about three-quarters of OSTraining members believe that the experience was great. 20% think that membership is of acceptable quality and 3% think that it isn’t good enough.

There was a similar split when it comes to whether OSTraining is good value for money. Most people think that membership is good value, but 1.5% don’t.

Just over 70% of our members have recommended OSTraining to someone else:

80% of you said you would probably take part in live chats.

Not surprisingly, over 80% of people who are OSTraining members are making money from webdesign. The numbers in the image below don’t quite show 80%, but there was a large range of “other” answers. Most of those “other” answers mentioned paid work.

Because so many of your are working for client or bosses, you told us clearly that you wanted more advanced training you can apply to your work.
Here’s a very typical overview of some of your training requests:
- More detailed tutorials on popular but complex Joomla extensions
- Classes on creating Drupal modules and using the Drupal API.
- More Joomla 3 content. Especially building new modules. More template creation with advanced design features.
- More into custom WordPress design. Breakdown the page and explain how all the code is working.
- The teachers are really good. But I fell I need something more advanced, especially in PHP.
- Drupal Commerce and building stores with Drupal.
- More courses about programming and web applications.
- More in-depth courses on PHP, HTML, CSS and responsive webdesign.
- An advanced level or level 3 certificate for WordPress.
- I would like to see a course in SASS and Compass.
- Bootstrap, intermediate and advanced lessons on Joomla 3.
Starting with this week’s book on AngularJS, we are going to branch out into more advanced topics.
We’re not going to leave behind our roots of offering simple and clear explanations, but we are going to take that approach into new areas.
Thanks to all of you who took our survey. We take your feedback really seriously and it directly impacts the future of OSTraining.
Thanks very much for my free membership which I will be taking full advantage of and keep up the good work!
You’re more than welcome, Neil. Thanks for the great feedback!