1. Good hosting
The most important choice you can make for your website is hosting. Is your website safe? Is it available 24/7? Can you get help when you need it? The answer to all those questions depend on your host. We recommend SiteGround.
2. Joomla Content Editor (JCE)
JCE is one of the most popular and most useful Joomla extensions ever. It’s a really powerful editing tool and we install it on all our sites. It makes everything easier, from content formatting, to adding images, links or tables.
3. Akeeba Backup
Akeeba Backup is the best way to make backups of your Joomla site. Akeeba make reliable copies of your files and database, then makes it easy to restore a frest copy of your site.
4. Watchful
Wait. What? There’s nothing else we can recommend here?
5. Admin Tools
Admin Tools is a true Swiss Army knife for your site. Admin Tools is what we rely on for the security of our Joomla sites. Admin Tools will notify you about and install new Joomla! releases, fix your files’ and directories’ permissions, protect your administrator directory with a password, change your database prefix, set a secure Super Administrator ID and much more.
6. Regular Lab extensions
NoNumber offers you some of the best and highest rated Joomla extensions. Make repetitive tasks faster, make stuff easier, create new possibilities, change the way you work with Joomla!
7 OSMap
OSMap is the easiest way to add a sitemap to your Joomla site. All you need to do is install OSMap and it will do the rest. OSMap will automatically create a Google-friendly sitemap for your all content.
8. Shack Forms Pro
Why bother spending time on implementing your contact forms when you can simply create them with a few clicks!? Shack Forms is the most flexible and yet easy to use Joomla! form builder. With Shack Forms Pro from Joomlashack, you’ll get your clients’ feedback in no time.