Because it is difficult to know exactly what was updated for a version of a book, this change log exists to point you to what was added, removed, or changed with each update.
Version 1.4 — Updated for Genesis 2.8 and 2.9
function in “Genesis Formatting and General Functions Explained” chapter.- New “Genesis Config and On Boarding Explained” chapter.
- Genesis Structure Functions and
function to the “Genesis Formatting and General Functions Explained” chapter.
- Updated introduction in “About Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Updated latest version in “Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Updated the What’s Next section in the “Genesis Admin Boxes, Form and Basic Classes Explained” chapter.
Version 1.3 — Updated for Genesis 2.7
function in “Genesis Formatting and General Functions Explained” chapter.
- Updated introduction in “About Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Updated latest version in “Genesis Explained” chapter.
Version 1.2 — Updated for Genesis 2.6
- Added “Code Examples” section in the “About Genesis Explained” chapter.
- New code editors in the “Getting Started with Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Added a section explaining the new autoloader in the “Genesis Classes Explained” chapter.
- Added “Genesis Customizer Class Explained” chapter.
- Updated introduction in “About Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Updated latest version in “Genesis Explained” chapter.
- Updated the list of class files in the “Genesis Classes Explained” chapter.
- Updated descriptions for moved admin classes in “Genesis Admin Overview Explained” chapter.
- Updated nearly every code example with new examples that have better code standards, fixes copy/paste errors, and makes the code more consistent across the book.
- Removed files that have been moved from the file list in “Genesis Admin Overview Explained” chapter.