5 Ways to Tell if a Site is Built in Drupal

One of the most common questions we get at Drupal beginner classes is, “How can I tell if a site is built in Drupal?”
We get that question because it’s just not possible to know the answer without a few tips and tricks.
If you look at a website such as WhiteHouse.gov, there is no way of telling if it’s built Drupal. The design of a site is completely independent from the platform it uses.
We’re going to give you 5 ways to tell if a site is built in Drupal. Not all of these suggestions will work on all Drupal sites, but taken together they should give you a clear answer.
Option #1. Check the Source Code
One of the most reliable ways to show if a site is using Drupal is to check the source code.
In the source code, check to see if important files are being loaded from the /sites/ folder. This identifies all Drupal sites, except for Drupal 8. This example is taken from WhiteHouse.gov:
If you find a Drupal 8 site, you will see files loading from the /core/ folder. This screenshot is taken from Dries’ site at http://buytaert.net:
You can also search the source code for the words “Drupal”, which will identify any version of Drupal:
You can also search the source code for the names of key modules such as “Views”, “Panels” or “CCK”:
Option #2. Try to access certain files
Some sites may remove this file or block access to it, but if you CHANGELOG.txt to a site’s URL, you can often find useful information about the site. For example, view https://drupal.org/CHANGELOG.txt and you can tell that Drupal.org is still running Drupal 7.
Other files that you can do this with include:
- /misc/drupal.js
- /misc/druplicon.png
For example:
Option #3. Visit the User URLs
One common identifier of Drupal sites are the URLs for user pages.
The URLs /user/ and /user/password and /user/register/ are commonly used to allow people to login, recover their password or register.
For example, here’s https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/user
Option #4. Check websites
There are websites that can try and identify the technology behind websites. http://builtwith.com is one of the most popular sites that does this:
It correctly identifies WhiteHouse.gov as using Drupal:
There’s also the very logically named http://isthissitebuiltwithdrupal.com:
That site gives very logical and clear answer
Option #5. Check the Expires header
An expires header is the most geeky way to check for Drupal sites. Web servers use an expires header to tell the client how long a component can be cached. Use a site such as http://web-sniffer.net to check your site:
And in the results, look for the Expires date. You’re looking for Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT. What is special about 19 Nov 1978? It’s the birthday of Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal.
One tool that I prefer to figure out what a site is running is [url=http://wappalyzer.com/]http://wappalyzer.com/[/url]
It is an addon for both chrome and firefox and it will tell you if a site is made with Drupal and pretty much everything else (server stack, anayltics, js, mapping library etc…)> It will even tell you if the site is running commerce or ubercart.
Chrome Sniffer is another tool that operates similarly to wappalyzer as previously posted.
lol so this is a great list but the irony is killing me. You used the White House site for most of the examples except the last one. Well the Expires value for [url=http://WH.gov]WH.gov[/url] is actually July 6, 2013.
Not important though since it’s just an HTTP response from the server that was probably changed.
Hi Diego. True, it’s a funny example, although partly reflects the point of the article … most of the ways you can identify a Drupal site won’t work on all sites.
Can’t believe you suggested people kill a kitten in the very last sentence oft his post.
The way I generally tell is with a Chrome plugin called Sniffer: [url=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-sniffer/homgcnaoacgigpkkljjjekpignblkeae?hl=en]https://chrome.google.com/w…[/url]
It detects various elements and displays an icon in the url bar (works for WP as well)
It seems like the [url=http://isthissitebuiltwithdrupal.com]http://isthissitebuiltwithd…[/url] tool gives YES answer to any site, even if it wasn’t built with Drupal.
It seems it works OK now. I don’t know what the issue was. I’m sorry for any confusion.
Sure thing. We just gave this guide a quick update, BTW