Drupal Webinar: 45 Modules in 45 Minutes

Drupal Webinar 45 Modules in 45 Minutes

Last week, I did a webinar with the team at Acquia. The webinar was called, “45 Modules in 45 Minutes”.

During this session, we walked … jogged … okay, actually we ran through 45 of the best and most popular modules in 45 minutes.

Drupal is a great CMS, but not all features come right out of the box. There are thousands and thousand of modules available for Drupal 7. Figuring out which modules to use can be a real challenge!

In this webinar, you’ll get an overview of 45 of the most important modules.

{snippet acquia45in45video}


  • Rod Martin

    Rod holds two masters degrees and has been training people how to do "things" for over 25 years. Originally from Australia, he grew up in Canada and now resides just outside Cincinnati, Ohio. He has worked in both the non-profit and for-profit worlds, in small companies and large corporations. His extensive open source experience includes WordPress, Joomla and Drupal and he really knows how to help you get the most out of the system you chose. Rod plays ice hockey a couple of times a week and rides his Goldwing motorcycle pretty much everywhere he can.

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Nikita Petrov
Nikita Petrov
11 years ago

I suggest you to use entityform instead of webform – the are the same, but entityform is more Drupal 7 way.

11 years ago
Reply to  Nikita Petrov

Thanks for the useful feedback, Nikita.
Yes, Entity form is a great module: [url=https://drupal.org/project/entityform]https://drupal.org/project/…[/url] It’s not popular yet, but hopefully it will become so.

Nikita Petrov
Nikita Petrov
11 years ago

You don’t mention modules for configuring Breadcrumbs on your site. I suggest to use Hansel module

11 years ago
Reply to  Nikita Petrov

Ha-ha. Really enjoyed Hansel, but recommend Path Breadcrumbs as more user friendly, powerful, exportable and stable. Take a look at my review for more info (Russian only): [url=http://drupalspb.org/session/moduli-dlya-postroeniya-hlebnyh-kroshek-path-breadcrumbs]http://drupalspb.org/sessio…[/url]

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